Hi Farhan,
Good question. There’s no source of truth (that I know of) for the severity of auditd
event types so I created a lookup based upon my experience. Here it is:
Naturally you can change it to suit your environment but any suggestions for improvement
are much appreciated. :)
The app has three identities lookups it merges together: local, directory and learnt. The
first two you’re meant to populate (see here for more details:
but technically you don’t have to bother because version 2 automatically learns posix
identities being used in your environment by periodically updating the ‘learnt’ lookup
based upon USER_START events.
From: F Rafi <farhanible@gmail.com<mailto:farhanible@gmail.com>>
Date: Thursday, 31 March 2016 at 3:01 PM
To: Doksu <doug.brown@qut.edu.au<mailto:doug.brown@qut.edu.au>>
Cc: "linux-audit@redhat.com<mailto:linux-audit@redhat.com>"
<linux-audit@redhat.com<mailto:linux-audit@redhat.com>>, Steve Grubb
Subject: Re: Linux Auditd app for Splunk
"I've turned SELinux off ... and as per Dan Walsh that's a bad thing."
Love it.
Some questions.
1. For the Severe Events panel: Where is the severity coming from? The auditd logs
don't show a severity rating.
2. AUID to username mapping: How are you doing this? Via tty logs or fetching passwd file
contents somehow?
On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 8:46 PM, Steve Grubb
<sgrubb@redhat.com<mailto:sgrubb@redhat.com>> wrote:
On Wednesday, March 30, 2016 10:34:39 PM Douglas Brown wrote:
This week I released version 2 of the Linux Auditd app for Splunk:
Be sure to let me know if you have any suggestions for improvements.
Thanks for posting this. Its good to see utilities like this supporting the
audit daemon.
If anyone else has plugins to logging frameworks, reports, helpful scripts,
etc...feel free to post a notice about them. We are sort of working on a new
home for the audit system at github and can probably dedicate a page to
related and helpful projects.
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