Hello Philippe,
Thanks for reporting this (and the other bug which is in my queue to work on).
On Wednesday, August 30, 2017 3:56:10 AM EDT Maupertuis Philippe wrote:
On a new redhat 7.4, passwd -S to check the status of a user generates the
following event : node=xxxxx type=USER_CHAUTHTOK msg=audit(28/08/17
16:34:18.632:54145) : pid=31134 uid=root auid=xxxxx ses=3866
msg='op=password status displayed for user id=ftp exe=/usr/bin/passwd
hostname= xxxxx addr=? terminal=pts/1 res=success'
According to
ifecycle-Events USER_CHAUTHTOK means that the user has successfully
changed his password. In that case no change were done, only a query as it
appears in the msg field
The text format is even more disturbing :
On xxxxx at 16:34:18 28/08/17 xxxxx, acting as root, successfully
changed-password using /usr/bin/passwd The real action and the target user
(ftp) is entirely lost in the text format.
I would say that this message should not have been generated in the first
I would agree. I'll make a patch to remove it.
I looked around the auditing in passwd and it looks like it has not been
updated as everything else has been to eliminate dangling text. So, it's
wholly unsuited as is for text format output. I'll make a second patch to
update the auditing to modern standards. Its probably not been touched in a
If I really change a user password by passwd games , I get :
node=xxxxx type=USER_CHAUTHTOK msg=audit(28/08/17 17:04:36.683:54299) :
pid=774 uid=root auid=xxxxx ses=3866 msg='op=change password id=games
exe=/usr/bin/passwd hostname=xxxxx addr=? terminal=pts/1 res=success' and
in the text format :
On xxxxx at 17:04:36 28/08/17 xxxxx, acting as root, successfully
changed-password games using /usr/bin/passwd On xxxxx at 17:04:36 28/08/17
xxxxx, acting as root, successfully changed-password using /usr/bin/passwd
This time the first line describes accurately what happened but I find the
second one misleading since it is really the same command and not an
additional change.
Please let me know if I missed something.
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