For some reason sort -r will not work with sort -t. --key=3,2n options
I tried:
sort -r -t. --key=3,2n
sort -t. -r --key=3,2n
sort -t. --key=3,2n -r
zcat `ls /var/log/audit/*.gz | sort -t. --key=3,2n` | tac | ausearch -i
works like a champ. Gotta luv linux..
Norman Mark St. Laurent
Conceras | Chief Technology Officer and ISSE
Phone: 703-965-4892
Email: mstlaurent(a)conceras.com
Connect. Collaborate. Conceras.
Steve Grubb wrote:
On Monday 17 August 2009 02:46:30 pm Norman Mark St. Laurent wrote:
> Depending if you are using logrotate.d/audit and how it numbers the
> files as it rotates...
> audit.log.1.gz
> audit.log.2.gz
> ...
> audit.log.89.gz
> audit.log.90.gz
> The sort below will but the list in exact order....
> zcat `ls /var/log/audit/*.gz | sort -t. --key=3,2n` | ausearch -i
For this to work right, it has to be in descending order. So, add a -r to the
sort command.