I wonder if it is needed to audit auditd's syscalls. For example if I
want to
audit like "write,always -S all" then auditd writes log and it causes
another write call and it causes audit to log and it causes auditd writes
log and so on... I briefly looked into kernel audit code but there's no
check(I could be wrong). In some extreme situation it will cause
kernel panic in kernel audit code 'cuz no memory. Try "exit,always -S all".
So, I'd like to suggest that 1)we should have some option to disable
audit for auditd's pid 2)add option to use netlink_broadcast for kernel
audit error log instead of printk(KERN_ERR) because printk(KERN_ERR)
causes syslog write. Then auditd listens the broadcast channel to detect
Please let me know if any problems. If this is acceptable then I'm going to
do it.
Junji Kanemaru
Linuon Inc.
Tokyo Japan