audit-viewer is now available in Fedora 9. It is a GUI for viewing
audit logs and running simple reports on them, intended as an ueasy to
use alternative to ausearch and aureport. To see what audit-viewer can
do, please read
https://fedorahosted.org/audit-viewer/wiki/AuditViewerTour .
The program is still under development, more features (graphs in
particular) and more polish is planned. I'll be grateful for any
feedback (what works well, what doesn't work, what is difficult to do or
To install audit-viewer on Fedora, run (yum install audit-viewer). Then
you'll find it in the System/Administration menu as "Audit Logs".
To build audit-viewer on other distributions, you'll need the source
code available at
https://fedorahosted.org/audit-viewer/ . audit-viewer
depends on python-gtkextra, and the last release of python-gtkextra
doesn't build on recent systems. You may find the patch at
http://cvs.fedora.redhat.com/viewcvs/devel/python-gtkextra/ useful.