On Monday, August 7, 2017 11:25:38 AM EDT Maupertuis Philippe wrote:
With Rhel 7.4 just out, I am giving a try at the new audit.
Something seems strange to me.
With the default log_format = RAW in auditd.conf, I get the node= parameter
right in rsyslog (through the syslog plugin). If I switch to log_format =
ENRICHED the parameter is missing altogether (no node=)
Where are you setting the log parameter? I mentioned in the release notes to
audit-2.6 that the event is completely formatted in auditd when in enriched
mode and that setting the name in audispd is no longer needed for enriched
Maybe the note should have said no longer possible. This is because auditd can
now direct remote events that it collected to audispd so that you can have one
plugin that can see all events for all systems. audispd does not parse events
as it has no time to do so. This means it cannot tell where the event came
from. So we make the assumption that when handling enriched events (which can
only be generated newer auditd) to keep hands off because it might not be a
locally originating event.
So, I think the answer is put the same setting for name_format into
auditd.conf that you have for audispd.conf. Then everything should work out.
In both case local there is no node parameter in the local
When I run ausearch --format text from the local host I never get node
information. When I run it from the data received by rsyslog (after
stripping the prefix with sed 's/^.*audispd://'), I get the node
information for the RAW format only.
Another point that bothers me is that I got an extra line did-unknown after
each meaningful line when I use the remote content (RAW or ENRICHED) This
is what I get locally
At 16:03:55 07/08/17 fr18358, acting as root, successfully executed
/bin/pkg-config At 16:03:55 07/08/17 fr18358, acting as root, successfully
executed /usr/libexec/grepconf.sh At 16:03:55 07/08/17 fr18358, acting as
root, successfully opened-file /dev/tty using grepconf.sh At 16:03:55
07/08/17 fr18358, acting as root, successfully executed /bin/grep This is
what I get from remote data
At 15:43:52 07/08/17 fr18358, acting as root, successfully executed
/bin/pkg-config At 15:43:52 07/08/17 did-unknown
At 15:43:52 07/08/17 fr18358, acting as root, successfully executed
/usr/libexec/grepconf.sh At 15:43:52 07/08/17 did-unknown
At 15:43:52 07/08/17 fr18358, acting as root, successfully opened-file
/dev/tty using grepconf.sh At 15:43:52 07/08/17 did-unknown
At 15:43:52 07/08/17 fr18358, acting as root, successfully executed
I'd have to see the raw events to see what's going on. I'd be happy to look
into it. You can send the events off list if you prefer. I only need a couple
that shows the problem formatted with --raw.
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