On Sat, Feb 06, 2010 at 03:29:25PM -0500, John Holp wrote:
Redhat wizards,
I am doing good with auditing but want to copy key lines from example files into
What is the vi/vim syntax to copy lines from one file and post them into another file -
i.e. my audit.rules file?
5yy appears to yank the current line and 4 more and one can paste the buffered lines into
the same file but I want to pass the lines to a different file.
:h file_name I recall from along ago but that is for an entire file - I think:
Please help me to copy files from sample auditing files into my real
Switch to another file, then paste there... The most portable way is
:n <filename><CR>
but in almost all vi variants there's a way to split the window and open
a new file there. For nvi that would be
:Vi <filename><CR>
for vim - :split <filename><CR>
and switching between those subwindows is
in nvi an
in vim.