There have been a few requests on this list for a
single-line-per-event output format.
From what I understand, supporting this feature in the kernel is a
little challenging due to the potential memory/cache requirements -
having to save off the 'pieces' of an event from initiation to exit,
could be quite expensive when we're talking in-kernel resources.
Hence, we're left with an audit output that could:
* Have an arbitrary number of lines per unique event,
* Be chronologically distributed in some cases (event lines may be
spread over several seconds),
* Be out of sequence (numerically - two lines from event A, might be
followed by 1 line from event B, then another line from event A,
followed by the rest of event B).
* Have multiple 'items' with the same name (eg: source/dest UID's for
a CHMOD have the same 'name/key', though they are on different lines).
(Please let me know if these assumptions are incorrect!)
However, the dispatcher infrastructure offers the potential to
implement this sort of functionality in user-space.
As such, I've been playing with some perl that should translate
SYSCALL events to something that should be reasonably parse-able by
follow-on processing applications that expect events in a single-line
form (eg: logwatch, a SQL-based data injector, Snare or Snare Server).
Here's a sample line. Note that events are in header/data format (tab
delimited between components, comma delimited within a component).
rhel4 LinuxKAudit event,11,20060509 06:36:25
user,0(root),0(root),0(root),0(root) process,25068,id
path,/usr/bin/id return,0,yes a0,9f96ba8 a1,9f96b28
a2,9f84b40 a3,9f96b28 arch,40000003 auid,4294967295
exe,/usr/bin/id fsgid,0 fsuid,0 items,2 sgid,0 suid,0
The program works roughly as follows:
while read line
break line up into key/value pairs
pop the key/value data into an associative array (with a key of the
event number)
if we have an items=x key/value pair saved off for this event
number, and we have 'x' PATH-related lines now, then we must have a
complete event. Push it out.
ALSO push out any events that we haven't had any new lines for, for
more than 15 seconds.
We also getpwname/getgrname (with an internal cache to avoid recursive
audit events), and an internal simple realpath() to turn
/path/to/blah/../../to/somewhere into /path/to/somewhere.
The raw perl is attached. Does anyone have any comments, or
suggestions? (I don't care about structure at this point - it's early
days yet - I'm sure perl aficionados could do the entire program in a
single line).
In particular, comments would be welcome on how to absolutely,
programatically determine when an 'event' is complete, and it is safe
to push out our final 'line'.