On Sunday, March 31, 2013 11:44:37 AM Burn Alting wrote:
I've made some mods to auditctl to allow it to read a directory
of 'rule
files'. The idea is that within an enterprise, one would distribute a
standard /etc/audit/audit.rules which can be updated from the corporate
repository. Should a system require localized audit rules, then a
directory containing files of rules can be maintained locally. The
reasoning for a directory as opposed to just an additional file is to
offer granularity of 'rule sets'.
See the previous email about SCAP limitations.
I would like to know the convention for patching to this list. Should
git clone the svn repository then supply a git diff? Can I just provide
an old-fashioned diff -rupN or C_ALL=C TZ=UTC0 diff -Naur?
As long as it can be applied with 'patch', I can figure out whether its -p0 or
-p1. I generally go for the diff -urpN option. It probably doesn't need to be
mentioned, but I don't like patches (or sections of patches) that only add
formatting or white spaces to existing code.