We have been having some OOM problems over the last week. We think
it is stemming from auditd-1.0.14.
I've had a quick look over the archives and couldn't find anything,
so if this has already been fixed, please be kind...
I went from using the standard CAPP.rules example file to the
following audit.rules file:
-w /etc -p w -k ETC
-w /etc/sysconfig -p w -k SYSCONFIG
-w /caer/e/cnf -p w -k DMS_CNF
-w /caer/g/cnf -p w -k GAS_CNF
-w /bin/su -p x -k SBIN
A glance at cat /proc/slabinfo shows that there may be a memory leak:
After two minutes:
size-32 13447 13447 32 119 1 : tunables 120
60 8 : slabdata 113 113 0
After several hours:
size-32 18598891 18599105 32 119 1 : tunables
120 60 8 : slabdata 156295 156295 0
Whereas on a server not running the auditd daemon a cat /proc/
slabinfo gives:
After two minutes:
size-32 3556 3808 32 119 1 : tunables 120
60 8 : slabdata 32 32 0
After several hours:
size-32 3601 3808 32 119 1 : tunables 120
60 8 : slabdata 32 32 0
OOM starts killing off processes (seemingly at random) even though
there appears to be plenty of memory free (physical and swap).
The above tests are on DELL 1650's with 2GB of RAM running
2.6.9-42.ELsmp #1 SMP.
I found this
id=193542#c15 bug that seems to have a similar problem... Anyone
else come across this issue? If so has it been fixed in 1.0.15?
As I mentioned, using the following rules file seems to be
significantly more stable, (so perhaps my rules file has something to
do with it too):
This is the original rules file:
## This file contains a sample audit configuration. Combined with the
## system events that are audited by default, this set of rules causes
## audit to generate records for the auditable events specified by the
## Controlled Access Protection Profile (CAPP).
## It should be noted that this set of rules identifies directories by
## leaving a / at the end of the path. These need to be updated to be
## a watch for each file in that directory. This is because a watch on
## a directory only triggers when the directory's inode is updated with
## meta data. To have accurate events, a watch should be place on each
## file. Because each installation is different, we leave that as a
## site customization.
## Remove any existing rules
## Increase buffer size to handle the increased number of messages.
## Feel free to increase this if the machine panic's
-b 8192
## Set failure mode to panic
-f 2
## successful and unsuccessful attempts to read information from the
## audit records; all modifications to the audit trail
# -w /var/log/audit/ -k LOG_audit
#-w /var/log/audit/audit_log -k LOG_audit_log
#-w /var/log/audit/audit_log.1 -k LOG_audit_log
#-w /var/log/audit/audit_log.2 -k LOG_audit_log
#-w /var/log/audit/audit_log.3 -k LOG_audit_log
#-w /var/log/audit/audit_log.4 -k LOG_audit_log
## modifications to audit configuration that occur while the audit
## collection functions are operating; all modications to the set of
## audited events
-w /etc/auditd.conf -k CFG_auditd.conf
-w /etc/audit.rules -k CFG_audit.rules
## all requests to perform an operation on an object covered by the
## SFP; all modifications of the values of security attributes;
## modifications to TSF data; attempts to revoke security attributes
## Objects covered by the Security Functional Policy (SFP) are:
## - File system objects (files, directories, special files, extended
## - IPC objects (SYSV shared memory, message queues, and semaphores)
## Operations on file system objects - by default, only monitor
## files and directories covered by filesystem watches. Replace
## "possible" with "always" to create audit records for all uses of
## syscall.
## Changes in ownership and permissions
-a entry,possible -S chmod
-a entry,possible -S fchmod
-a entry,possible -S chown
-a entry,possible -S chown32
-a entry,possible -S fchown
-a entry,possible -S fchown32
-a entry,possible -S lchown
-a entry,possible -S lchown32
## For x86_64,ia64 architectures, disable any *32 rules above
## File content modification. Permissions are checked at open time,
## monitoring individual read/write calls is not useful.
-a entry,possible -S creat
-a entry,possible -S open
-a entry,possible -S truncate
-a entry,possible -S truncate64
-a entry,possible -S ftruncate
-a entry,possible -S ftruncate64
## For x86_64,ia64 architectures, disable any *64 rules above
## directory operations
-a entry,possible -S mkdir
-a entry,possible -S rmdir
## moving, removing, and linking
-a entry,possible -S unlink
-a entry,possible -S rename
-a entry,possible -S link
-a entry,possible -S symlink
## Extended attribute operations
## Enable if you are interested in these events
#-a entry,always -S setxattr
#-a entry,always -S lsetxattr
#-a entry,always -S fsetxattr
#-a entry,always -S removexattr
#-a entry,always -S lremovexattr
#-a entry,always -S fremovexattr
## special files
-a entry,always -S mknod
## Other file system operations
-a entry,always -S mount
-a entry,always -S umount
-a entry,always -S umount2
## For x86_64 architecture, disable umount rule
## For ia64 architecture, disable umount2 rule
## SYSV message queues
## Enable if you are interested in these events (x86)
## msgctl
#-a entry,always -S ipc -F a0=14
## msgget
#-a entry,always -S ipc -F a0=13
## Enable if you are interested in these events (x86_64,ia64)
#-a entry,always -S msgctl
#-a entry,always -S msgget
## SYSV semaphores
## Enable if you are interested in these events (x86)
## semctl
#-a entry,always -S ipc -F a0=3
## semget
#-a entry,always -S ipc -F a0=2
## semop
#-a entry,always -S ipc -F a0=1
## semtimedop
#-a entry,always -S ipc -F a0=4
## Enable if you are interested in these events (x86_64, ia64)
#-a entry,always -S semctl
#-a entry,always -S semget
#-a entry,always -S semop
#-a entry,always -S semtimedop
## SYSV shared memory
## Enable if you are interested in these events (x86)
## shmctl
#-a entry,always -S ipc -F a0=24
## shmget
#-a entry,always -S ipc -F a0=23
## Enable if you are interested in these events (x86_64, ia64)
#-a entry,always -S shmctl
#-a entry,always -S shmget
## FIA_USB.1
## success and failure of binding user security attributes to a subject
## Enable if you are interested in these events
#-a entry,always -S clone
#-a entry,always -S fork
#-a entry,always -S vfork
## For ia64 architecture, disable fork and vfork rules above, and
## enable the following:
#-a entry,always -S clone2
## FMT_MSA.3
## modifications of the default setting of permissive or restrictive
## rules, all modifications of the initial value of security attributes
## Enable if you are interested in these events
#-a entry,always -S umask
## FPT_STM.1
## changes to the time
-a entry,always -S adjtimex
-a entry,always -S settimeofday
## FTP_ITC.1
## set-up of trusted channel
-w /usr/sbin/stunnel -p x
-a entry,possible -S execve
## Security Databases
## at configuration & scheduled jobs
-w /var/spool/at -k LOG_at
-w /etc/at.allow -k CFG_at.allow
-w /etc/at.deny -k CFG_at.deny
## cron configuration & scheduled jobs
-w /etc/cron.allow -p wa -k CFG_cron.allow
-w /etc/cron.deny -p wa -k CFG_cron.deny
-w /etc/cron.d/ -p wa -k CFG_cron.d
-w /etc/cron.daily/ -p wa -k CFG_cron.daily
-w /etc/cron.hourly/ -p wa -k CFG_cron.hourly
-w /etc/cron.monthly/ -p wa -k CFG_cron.monthly
-w /etc/cron.weekly/ -p wa -k CFG_cron.weekly
-w /etc/crontab -p wa -k CFG_crontab
-w /var/spool/cron/root -k CFG_crontab_root
## user, group, password databases
-w /etc/group -p wa -k CFG_group
-w /etc/passwd -p wa -k CFG_passwd
-w /etc/gshadow -k CFG_gshadow
-w /etc/shadow -k CFG_shadow
-w /etc/security/opasswd -k CFG_opasswd
## login configuration and information
-w /etc/login.defs -p wa -k CFG_login.defs
-w /etc/securetty -k CFG_securetty
-w /var/log/faillog -k LOG_faillog
-w /var/log/lastlog -k LOG_lastlog
## network configuration
-w /etc/hosts -p wa -k CFG_hosts
-w /etc/sysconfig/
## system startup scripts
-w /etc/inittab -p wa -k CFG_inittab
-w /etc/rc.d/init.d/
-w /etc/rc.d/init.d/auditd -p wa -k CFG_initd_auditd
## library search paths
-w /etc/ld.so.conf -p wa -k CFG_ld.so.conf
## local time zone
-w /etc/localtime -p wa -k CFG_localtime
## kernel parameters
-w /etc/sysctl.conf -p wa -k CFG_sysctl.conf
## modprobe configuration
-w /etc/modprobe.conf -p wa -k CFG_modprobe.conf
## pam configuration
-w /etc/pam.d/
## postfix configuration
-w /etc/aliases -p wa -k CFG_aliases
-w /etc/postfix/ -p wa -k CFG_postfix
## ssh configuration
-w /etc/ssh/sshd_config -k CFG_sshd_config
## stunnel configuration
-w /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf -k CFG_stunnel.conf
-w /etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem -k CFG_stunnel.pem
## vsftpd configuration
#-w /etc/vsftpd.ftpusers -k CFG_vsftpd.ftpusers
#-w /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf -k CFG_vsftpd.conf
## Not specifically required by CAPP; but common sense items
-a exit,always -S sethostname
-w /etc/issue -p wa -k CFG_issue
-w /etc/issue.net -p wa -k
## Put your own watches after this point