On Wed, 28 Feb 2007 08:28:47 EST, Steve Grubb said:
> 4) Were trying to track all usage by the root user, again we are
> a whole bunch of other stuff in the logs, not actions by the user root
> only.
I am still looking at this. I think we need to patch bash for this.
A patch to bash would be necessary, but not sufficient.
A malicious root user (or any user wanting to bypass a logging login shell)
could just 'vi /tmp/foo', and then use '!your_command_here -h -x -Q 3' or
whatever they wanted to do. Or launch a copy of Emacs and start 'shell.el',
or just launch a copy of perl, and type 'system("command");' at it,
Probably what's *really* needed is a sebek-style logger that traces all
terminal activity on that connection.
but somebody would have to retarget that code to talk to the audit daemon
rather than an external server on another box.