diff -urN /dev/null b/lib/gen_tables.py
--- /dev/null 2013-06-19 11:25:31.230442052 -0500
+++ b/lib/gen_tables.py 2013-08-19 14:27:55.639872141 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+# Copyright 2013, Rockwell Collins. All rights reserved.
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Authors:
+# Clayton Shotwell <
+# Description:
+# Generator of lookup tables to replace the gen_tables.c method developed
+# Miloslav Trmac <
mitr@redhat.com> to make audit package cross compilable.
+# The logic in this script mimics the logic in gen_tables.c before the last
+# modification.
+# Usage: gen_tables.py [-h] [--i2s] [--i2s-transtab] [--s2i]
+# [--uppercase | --lowercase] [--duplicate-ints]
+# prefix header source output
+# Generate tables header files.
+# positional arguments:
+# prefix The prefix of the output file to use
+# header The header file to parse table values from
+# source The source of the preprocessor from the compiler
+# output The output header file
+# optional arguments:
+# -h, --help show this help message and exit
+# --i2s Generate i2s tables
+# --i2s-transtab Generate transtab tables
+# --s2i Generate s2i tables
+# --uppercase All characters are uppercase
+# --lowercase All characters are lowercase
+# --duplicate-ints Allow duplicate integers
+import argparse
+import ctypes
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+from operator import attrgetter
+from pyparsing import Group, Word, Suppress, alphas, alphanums, nums, cppStyleComment, \
+ Optional, ZeroOrMore
+# Number of entries to print per line
+# Global table entries variable that is used everywhere
+# The ratio of table size to number of non-empty elements allowed for a
+# "direct" s2i table; if the ratio would be bigger, bsearch tables are used
+# instead.
+# 2 looks like a lot at a first glance, but the bsearch tables need twice as
+# much space per element, so with the ratio equal to 2 the direct table uses
+# no more memory and is faster.
+# Set to True to enable some debug output
+DEBUG = False
+class Entry:
+ def __init__(self, new_s, val):
self.st = new_s
+ self.val = val
+ self.offset = 0
+ self.orig_index = 0
+ def set_position(self, offset):
+ self.offset = offset
+ def set_orig_index(self, orig_index):
+ self.orig_index = orig_index
+ def get_str(self):
+ return
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<Entry st=%s val=%s>" % (
self.st, self.val)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "Entry of st=%s, val=%s, offset=%d, orig_index=%d" % \
+ (
self.st, self.val, self.offset, self.orig_index)
+def output_strings(prefix, outfile):
+ try:
+ # Calculate the position each entry will be in the string
+ index = 0
+ for i in range(len(ENTRIES)):
+ ENTRIES[i].set_position(index)
+ # Increment the index by the length of the name plus 1 for the null
+ # character at the end.
+ index += len(ENTRIES[i].get_str()) + 1
+ # Write out the strings
+ outfile.write("static const char %s_strings[] = \"" % prefix)
+ for i in range(len(ENTRIES)):
+ if (i != 0) and (i % NUM_ENTIRES_IN_LINE == 0):
+ outfile.write('"\n\t"')
+ outfile.write(ENTRIES[i].get_str())
+ if (i != (len(ENTRIES) - 1)):
+ outfile.write('\\0')
+ outfile.write('";\n')
+ except:
+ # If an error is found, raise the exception so the main function can close
+ # and delete the outfile
+ exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
+ fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
+ print("Unexpected error in output_strings:", exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
+ raise
+def output_s2i(prefix, outfile, uppercase, lowercase):
+ try:
+ # Check for duplicate values
+ for i in range(len(ENTRIES) - 1):
+ assert (ENTRIES[i].get_str() <= ENTRIES[i + 1].get_str()), "Entries not in the correct order"
+ if (ENTRIES[i].get_str() == ENTRIES[i + 1].get_str()):
+ print("Duplicate value %s: %d, %d" % \
+ (ENTRIES[i].get_str(), ENTRIES[i].val, ENTRIES[i + 1].val))
+ raise
+ # Write out the index to value index values
+ outfile.write("static const unsigned %s_s2i_s[] = {" % prefix)
+ for i in range(len(ENTRIES)):
+ if (i % NUM_ENTIRES_IN_LINE == 0):
+ outfile.write('\n\t')
+ outfile.write("%i," % ENTRIES[i].offset)
+ outfile.write('\n};\n')
+ # Write out the string to value actual values
+ outfile.write("static const int %s_s2i_i[] = {" % prefix)
+ for i in range(len(ENTRIES)):
+ if (i % NUM_ENTIRES_IN_LINE == 0):
+ outfile.write('\n\t')
+ outfile.write("%i," % ENTRIES[i].val)
+ outfile.write('\n};\n')
+ # Verify the strings are all uppercase or lowercase depending on the arguments
+ # passed in
+ if uppercase:
+ for i in range(len(ENTRIES)):
+ assert (all(ord(c) < 128 for c in ENTRIES[i].get_str()) and \
+ ENTRIES[i].get_str().isupper()), "String %s is not uppercase" % ENTRIES[i].get_str()
+ if lowercase:
+ for i in range(len(ENTRIES)):
+ assert (all(ord(c) < 128 for c in ENTRIES[i].get_str()) and \
+ ENTRIES[i].get_str().islower()), "String %s is not lowercase" % ENTRIES[i].get_str()
+ if uppercase or lowercase:
+ outfile.write("static int %s_s2i(const char *s, int *value) {\n" \
+ "\tsize_t len, i;\n" \
+ "\tlen = strlen(s);\n" \
+ "\t{ char copy[len + 1];\n" \
+ "\tfor (i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n" \
+ "\t\tchar c = s[i];\n" % prefix)
+ if uppercase:
+ outfile.write("\t\tcopy[i] = GT_ISLOWER(c) ? c - 'a' + 'A' : c;\n")
+ else:
+ outfile.write("\t\tcopy[i] = GT_ISUPPER(c) ? c - 'A' + 'a' : c;\n")
+ outfile.write("\t}\n" \
+ "\tcopy[i] = 0;\n" \
+ "\treturn s2i__(%s_strings, %s_s2i_s, %s_s2i_i, %d, copy, value);\n" \
+ "\t}\n" \
+ "}\n" % (prefix, prefix, prefix, len(ENTRIES)))
+ else:
+ outfile.write("static int %s_s2i(const char *s, int *value) {\n" \
+ "\treturn s2i__(%s_strings, %s_s2i_s, %s_s2i_i, %d, s, value);\n" \
+ "}\n" % (prefix, prefix, prefix, prefix, len(ENTRIES)))
+ except:
+ # If an error is found, raise the exception so the main function can close
+ # and delete the outfile
+ exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
+ fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
+ print("Unexpected error in output_s2i:", exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
+ raise
+def output_i2s(prefix, outfile, allow_duplicate_ints):
+ try:
+ # Check for duplicate values
+ for i in range(len(ENTRIES) - 1):
+ assert (ENTRIES[i].val <= ENTRIES[i + 1].val), "Entries not in the correct order"
+ if (not allow_duplicate_ints) and (ENTRIES[i].val == ENTRIES[i + 1].val):
+ print("Duplicate value %d: %s, %s" % (ENTRIES[i].val, ENTRIES[i].get_str(), \
+ ENTRIES[i + 1].get_str()))
+ raise
+ # Find all of the unique values
+ unique_entries = []
+ for i in range(len(ENTRIES)):
+ # If the unique_entries is empty or the last unique_entries entry is different from the
+ # entry being compared, append the entry
+ if (len(unique_entries) == 0) or (unique_entries[-1].val != ENTRIES[i].val):
+ unique_entries.append(ENTRIES[i])
+ # Determine which mapping to use based on the treshold
+ max_val = unique_entries[-1].val
+ min_val = unique_entries[0].val
+ if ((float(max_val - min_val)/len(unique_entries)) <= DIRECT_THRESHOLD):
+ outfile.write("static const unsigned %s_i2s_direct[] = {" % prefix)
+ next_index = min_val
+ i = 0
+ while True:
+ if (((next_index - min_val) % 10) == 0):
+ outfile.write("\n\t")
+ while (unique_entries[i].val < next_index):
+ # This can happen if (allow_duplicate_ints)
+ i += 1
+ if (unique_entries[i].val == next_index):
+ assert(unique_entries[i].offset <= sys.maxint)
+ outfile.write("%i," % unique_entries[i].offset)
+ else:
+ outfile.write("-1u,")
+ if (next_index == max_val):
+ break
+ next_index += 1
+ outfile.write("\n};\nstatic const char *%s_i2s(int v) {\n" \
+ "\treturn i2s_direct__(%s_strings, %s_i2s_direct, %d, %d, v);\n" \
+ "}\n" % (prefix, prefix, prefix, min_val, max_val))
+ else:
+ outfile.write("static const int %s_i2s_i[] = {" % prefix)
+ for i in range(len(unique_entries)):
+ if (i % 10 == 0):
+ outfile.write("\n\t")
+ outfile.write("%i," % unique_entries[i].val)
+ outfile.write("\n};\nstatic const unsigned %s_i2s_s[] = {" % prefix)
+ for i in range(len(unique_entries)):
+ if (i % 10 == 0):
+ outfile.write("\n\t")
+ assert(unique_entries[i].offset <= sys.maxint)
+ outfile.write("%i," % unique_entries[i].offset)
+ outfile.write("\n };\n static const char *%s_i2s(int v) {\n" \
+ "\treturn i2s_bsearch__(%s_strings, %s_i2s_i, %s_i2s_s, %u, v);\n" \
+ "}\n" % (prefix, prefix, prefix, prefix, len(unique_entries)))
+ except:
+ # If an error is found, raise the exception so the main function can close
+ # and delete the outfile
+ exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
+ fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
+ print("Unexpected error in output_i2s:", exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
+ raise
+def output_i2s_transtab(prefix, outfile):
+ """
+ Output the string to integer mapping table as a transtab[].
+ values must be sorted in the desired order.
+ """
+ try:
+ outfile.write("static const struct transtab %s_table[] = {" % prefix)
+ for i in range(len(ENTRIES)):
+ if (i % NUM_ENTIRES_IN_LINE == 0):
+ outfile.write('\n\t')
+ outfile.write("{%i,%u}," % (ENTRIES[i].val, ENTRIES[i].offset))
+ outfile.write("\n};\n#define %s_NUM_ENTRIES (sizeof(%s_table) / sizeof(*%s_table))\n" % \
+ (prefix.upper(), prefix, prefix))
+ except:
+ # If an error is found, raise the exception so the main function can close
+ # and delete the outfile
+ exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
+ fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
+ print("Unexpected error in output_i2s_transtab:", exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
+ raise
+def lookup_enum(look_str, buf):
+ try:
+ # Pull all of the enums out of the preprocessor output out only once
+ # to help speed up all of the lookups
+ if not hasattr(lookup_enum, "enums"):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("Pulling out the enums from the preprocessor output")
+ # Regex pattern to parse out the enums from the preprocessor output
+ enum_regex = "enum.*?{(?P<s>.*?)}"
+ lookup_enum.enums = re.findall(enum_regex, buf, flags=(re.M | re.S))
+ # find which enum contains the string we are looking for
+ for i in range(len(lookup_enum.enums)):
+ if look_str in lookup_enum.enums[i]:
+ # Determine the value of the variable in the enum
+ enum_string = "enum preproc { " + lookup_enum.enums[i] + " }"
+ enum_string = "".join([line.strip() for line in enum_string])
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("Found %s in %s" % (look_str, enum_string))
+ identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums+'_')
+ opt_value = Word(nums, nums+'x+<>/*')
+ enum_value = Group(identifier('name') + Optional(Suppress('=') + opt_value('value')))
+ enum_list = Group(enum_value + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(',') + enum_value))
+ enum = Suppress('enum') + identifier('enum') + Suppress('{') + enum_list('list') + \
+ Suppress('}')
+ enum.ignore(cppStyleComment)
+ for item, start, stop in enum.scanString(enum_string):
+ temp = 0
+ for entry in item.list:
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("Checking %s against %s" % (look_str,
+ if
entry.name == look_str:
+ if entry.value != '':
+ # Need to call eval becuase some enums have math in them
+ try:
+ value = eval(entry.value)
+ except:
+ print("Found invalid value %s" % entry.value)
+ else:
+ value = temp
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("Matched the enum name to value %d" % value)
+ return value
+ temp += 1
+ except:
+ exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
+ fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
+ print("Unexpected error in output_i2s_transtab:", exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
+ print("Unable to find enum value")
+ return None
+def evaluate_string(eval_str, buf):
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("Evaluating string %s" % eval_str)
+ # Regex expression for pulling apart the values in the preprocessor output
+ eval_regex = "(?P<val>\w+)"
+ # Since the string can be anything, it must be parsed into individual parts
+ # and evaluated separately to find any enum values
+ matches = re.findall(eval_regex, eval_str)
+ if len(matches) <= 0:
+ print("Could not find any matches")
+ local_s = eval_str
+ value = None
+ i = 0
+ for i in range(len(matches)):
+ try:
+ # If the current item is abled to evaled, there is nothing to do
+ val = eval(matches[i])
+ except:
+ try:
+ # Need to check to see if the last character is a "U" and remove it
+ # if this does not except, a valid number was found
+ if matches[i][-1] == 'U':
+ val = eval(matches[i][:-1])
+ local_s = local_s.replace(matches[i], "%d" % val)
+ else:
+ # Need to do a enum look up for anything that doesnt translate into a number
+ val = lookup_enum(matches[i], buf)
+ if val is not None:
+ local_s = local_s.replace(matches[i], "%d" % val)
+ except:
+ # This case will be hit if the "U" removal fails
+ val = lookup_enum(matches[i], buf)
+ if val is not None:
+ local_s = local_s.replace(matches[i], "%d" % val)
+ try:
+ # This will fail if all of the enums were not found rather
+ # than handling the failues in the above steps
+ # Also, need to convert to a signed 32 bit int for the output value
+ value = ctypes.c_int32(eval(local_s)).value
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("Found value %d for %s" % (value, matches[i]))
+ except:
+ print("Could not parse string %s" % local_s)
+ # Verify the mess above resulted in a number being found
+ if value is None:
+ print("Failed to find value for %s" % eval_str)
+ raise
+ return value
+def remove_output(outfile):
+ path =
outfile.name+ outfile.close()
+ os.remove(path)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def main():
+ # Setup the argument parser and parse the arguments given
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate tables header files.')
+ parser.add_argument('--i2s', dest='gen_i2s', action='store_true',
+ help='Generate i2s tables')
+ parser.add_argument('--i2s-transtab', dest='gen_i2s_transtab', action='store_true',
+ help='Generate transtab tables')
+ parser.add_argument('--s2i', dest='gen_s2i', action='store_true',
+ help='Generate s2i tables')
+ # Make sure uppercase and lowercase are mutually exclusive
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ group.add_argument('--uppercase', dest='uppercase', action='store_true',
+ help='All characters are uppercase')
+ group.add_argument('--lowercase', dest='lowercase', action='store_true',
+ help='All characters are lowercase')
+ parser.add_argument('--duplicate-ints', dest='allow_duplicate_ints', action='store_true',
+ help='Allow duplicate integers')
+ parser.add_argument('prefix', help='The prefix of the output file to use')
+ parser.add_argument('source', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
+ help='The source of the preprocessor from the compiler')
+ parser.add_argument('output', type=argparse.FileType('w'),
+ help='The output header file')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # Regex pattern to parse out the macro and string from the _S calls
+ source_regex = "{ \((?P<val>.*?)\), \(\"(?P<s>\S+)\"\), 0, 0 }"
+ # First parse the header file for all of the preprocessor source that need to
+ # be looked up
+ buf = args.source.read()
+ matches = re.findall(source_regex, buf, flags=re.MULTILINE)
+ # Check to make sure we have matches
+ if (len(matches) <= 0):
+ print("Failed to find valid source")
+ remove_output(args.output)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ # Create all of the entry structures
+ global ENTRIES
+ for i in range(len(matches)):
+ ENTRIES.append(Entry(matches[i][1], evaluate_string(matches[i][0], buf)))
+ ENTRIES[i].set_orig_index(i)
+ if DEBUG:
+ print(ENTRIES[i])
+ # Sort the entries alphabetically
+ ENTRIES = sorted(ENTRIES, key=attrgetter('st'))
+ # Print out the output header
+ args.output.write("/* This is a generated file, see Makefile.am for its inputs. */\n")
+ output_strings(args.prefix, args.output)
+ if args.gen_s2i:
+ output_s2i(args.prefix, args.output, args.uppercase, args.lowercase)
+ if args.gen_i2s:
+ ENTRIES = sorted(ENTRIES, key=attrgetter('val'))
+ output_i2s(args.prefix, args.output, args.allow_duplicate_ints)
+ if args.gen_i2s_transtab:
+ ENTRIES = sorted(ENTRIES, key=attrgetter('orig_index'))
+ output_i2s_transtab(args.prefix, args.output)
+ except:
+ # On an error, close and remove the file before returning an error
+ print("Failed to write the output file correctly")
+ exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
+ fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1]
+ print("Unexpected error:", exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
+ remove_output(args.output)
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()