Dear Steve

Thank you very much for a lot of suggestions.
I apology for late response.

The messages you gave me was helpful, so I was able to resolve the problems.

Best Regards,
Toshihiro Takehara

Cloud ASIA Co., Ltd. [ 株式会社クラウドエイジア ]
Founder & CEO Takehara Toshihiro

  33-14-101, Higashiyama-cho, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, Japan
  TEL: +81-3-6869-2994  FAX: +81-3-6869-3974
  Mobile: +81-90-4737-8137
  Mobile in Laos: +856-20-5912-2188

Lao Systems [ ラオシステムズ ]
  Founder & CEO Takehara Toshihiro