wrote on 03/09/2006
11:08:05 AM:
> On Thursday 09 March 2006 12:03, Debora Velarde wrote:
> > If I want to match on two params (say syscall name and group
id) would I
> > call ausearch_set_param twice or pass ausearch_set_param all
my parameters
> > in one call? Can you post how you imagine the call to look
> Yes, you would call it twice. I would expect it to take 2 params:
name &
> value.
> So you would likely do:
> ausearch_set_param("syscall", "open");
> ausearch_set_param("gid", "500");
Since you are eventually going after Python support,
it would be awesome if (in Pyhton) you could supply a list of pairs, since
making multiple calls is not very friendly.
> -Steve
> --
> Linux-audit mailing list