Check out my photos on Facebook
Hi Linux-audit,
I set up a Facebook profile where I can post my pictures, videos and events and I want to add you as a friend so you can see it. First, you need to join Facebook! Once you join, you can also create your own profile.
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See who else has invited you to Facebook:
Justin P. MattockJustin P. Mattock
64 friends
1 photo
Megan McFoxMegan McFox
550 friends
Other people you may know on Facebook:
Tim ChavezTim Chavez
Austin, TX
Kunal ChandaranaKunal Chandarana
Bard HougeBard Houge
Kaushal ShriyanKaushal Shriyan
Aaron LippoldAaron Lippold
Washington, DC
Bob KrygerBob Kryger
Bridgeport / Stamford, CT
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linux-audit@redhat.com was invited to join Facebook by Ashok Kumar J. If you do not wish to receive this type of email from Facebook in the future, please click here to unsubscribe.
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