Dear Sir/Madam,

Hello£¬ I¡®am a Chinese student£¬ now I studying Linux audit and having some problems. I want to collect some information from network£¬such as the accessor¡¯s IP and port. I defined a audit rule in machine A as follow£¬ then I used ¡°ping¡± and ¡°vsftpd¡± programs to test audit. For example, I run "ping A" in another machine, I can't collect any information in A's audit log. In addition, I run "ssh A" , then I get some incomprehensible records that display in the picture below(eg saddr=inet6 host:::1 serv:45983 and saddr=inet6 host:::ffff: serv:41573).
  -a always,exit -F arch=b64 -S connect -S getsockname -S getpeername

Looking forward to your reply£¡
Your sincerely,
Yingjie Tang